Tuesday 21 June 2011

Books: David Boring


David Boring
By Daniel Clowes


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The first (obvious) reference point for this book is David Lynch. Dreamlike fragments rolling against each other in strange ways and a sense that some complete meaning that makes sense of it all is just out of reach: that would sum it up. Although what's cool about this comic is even as it feels disjointed and trippy - there is enough character interaction and narrative push to keep the reader pulled along; with small moments of lucidity and unexpected comic moments ("this isn't working.") to keep a spring in your steps. You might feel slightly lost at points - but home never feels too far away and when your main charcater is called "David Boring" you know that someone somewhere has a sly smile on their lips - even if they won't let you in on the joke.

Links: A Critical Reading of David Boring by Shawn Rider.

Further reading: Jar of Fools, Summer Blonde, Black Hole, The Death Ray, The Bulletproof Coffin.

Profiles: Daniel Clowes.

All comments welcome.

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